Ouro Preto is considered a paradise destination, especially for those who love time travel.

Ouro Preto is located in the state of Minas Gerais, famous for its churches, museums, old streets and for looking very good in all the photos.

Mouth-watering cuisine and a natural gift for welcoming travelers.

10 places to visit in Ouro Preto

1# Aleijadinho Museum

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The museum is a tribute to an important Brazilian artist who was born in the city.

The Aleijadinho Museum was built in 1968, with the aim of gathering sacred art pieces.

It is worth knowing and being dazzled by the mastery of one of the main sculptors and architects in the country.

There are 250 works spread across the Sacristy Room, the Crypt Room and the São Francisco de Assis Church.

2# Church of Saint Francis of Assisi

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The church began to be built in 1766 and completed in 1812, and designed by Aleijadinho.

The church has a baroque style with rococo decorations, considered one of the seven wonders of Portuguese origin in the world.

Inside are several historical objects, a curiosity, the ceiling of the church was painted by Mestre Ataíde.

The painter took 10 years to complete the entire work, no wonder, he is the highest point, drawing the attention of everyone who enters there.

3# Tiradentes Square

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The square is known initially as Morro de Santa Quitéria, and during most of the 19th century, as Praça da Independência.

It was named after Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, known as Tiradentes, in 1984, after the construction of a monument in honor of him, the martyr of the Inconfidência Mineira.

The square is the central point and postcard of the city.

4# Museum of Inconfidence

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The Inconfidência Museum is located in Tiradentes square, another must-see when visiting Ouro Preto.

Created in 1938, it brings together works by Ataíde and Aleijadinho, the museum was installed in the old prison in Vila Rica.

One of the most important buildings in the country, it tells the story of the origin of the state, promoting a true immersion in the history of Brazil.

5# Rua Direita

Known as Rua Conde Bobadela, it is the busiest street in Ouro Preto.

It is the address for those who want to buy local handicrafts and souvenirs. The street is lined with restaurants.

Nothing better than recharging your energies with the incomparable Minas Gerais cuisine.

6# Theater and Museum Opera House

Simple facade, but with an interior rich in culture and beauty, it is the oldest theater still in operation in Latin America.

It remains very well preserved, despite being from 1770, the space is still the stage for various events.

The ticket is usually very affordable, the place allows guided tours.

7# Soapstone Fair

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The fair takes place in front of the São Francisco Church, with approximately 50 stalls.

The stalls sell necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings, t-shirts, caps, gemstones, decorative pieces, gifts and souvenirs and much more.

8# Main Basilica of Our Lady of Pilar

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The Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora do Pilar is considered the richest church in Minas Gerais.

It is a listed monument by the Institute of National Historic and Artistic Heritage (Iphan).

With Baroque style, its decoration is estimated to have about 400 kg of gold and silver powder.

The Basilica houses the Museum of Sacred Art, which displays religious works from the 18th century.

9# House of Tales

casa dos contos - 10 Reasons to Visit Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais

Casa dos Contos is a free museum, allowing its visitors to get to know the history of the Ministry of Finance of Brazil in depth.

Everyone can watch an institutional film, admire the architecture and decoration of the time.

Check out a detailed model of the house, see original documents from the Gold Cycle, understand the history of Brazilian currency and even visit the slave quarters area.

It is a very important tourist spot, there is also quite a viewpoint of the city.

10# Mines of the Old Palace

Minas do Palácio Velho is located at the foot of the slope of Morro de Tapanhuacanga.

The mines are from the 18th century, and are part of one of the first gold mining centers in the state.

The site is open to visitors, tourists have access to about 108 meters underground and 80 meters of gallery.

The site leads to a journey to the period when slave labor existed in these excavations.

This beautiful mining town has a lot to offer, do you know of any other unmissable options like this one?