Taking a vacation encompasses several benefits, both for professional development and for personal relationships and the well-being of each being.

Taking a vacation takes you away from what creates stress and makes you look at situations from another perspective.

On vacation you will relax and broaden your horizons, making the time spent traveling and discovering new places even more intense.

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1 Tip – Solve Bureaucratic Issues

Solving bureaucratic issues at the beginning is necessary so that you can relax without worries afterwards.

Do a checkup, go to the bank to talk to managers, get ready for the trip, these are simple issues, but if left unresolved, they may not let you relax completely on vacation.  

2 Tip – Plan the Programs in Advance

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Don’t let the unforeseen get in the way of your plans, if you’re going to take a trip that needs scheduling, do it in advance.

Buy your tickets in advance, book a hotel and plan everything to avoid frustrations during the period dedicated to your well-being.

3 – Tip – Disconnect the Professional E-mail from the Cell Phone

To avoid getting involved with work issues while on vacation, it’s important to disconnect work email from your cell phone.

Everything should be sorted out while you’re still working, leave a responsible colleague to check your email and resolve any urgent issues.

You need rest, and you deserve it.

4 Tip – Live a few days without schedules

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During the holidays you can afford to live a few days without meeting schedules.

 Waking up without an alarm clock, taking walks without a destination, all this will help you relax and get into the holiday mood.

Tip 5 – Get Back to Routine Before Returning to Work

Schedule a peaceful return without stress, try to return gradually at the end of the rest period.

Wake up earlier at about the same time you used to go to work.

Eat meals at the same times, keep everything organized to get back to work calmly.

It is important to take a vacation and have some rest

Vacations help relieve stress from work and everyday life, thus providing health, motivation, more positive relationships.

Improved work performance and the ability to see things through new perspectives.

Even if you are autonomous, schedule yourself to take time to rest, when you return you will have even more courage and energy to go in search of all your goals.

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Rest and Breaks

Rest is a necessity of the body and mind, not a luxury or reward for working hard, as many still believe.

Taking breaks from the fast-paced routine to rest, practice a hobby or physical activity or simply enjoy the company of family and friends is essential to be able to balance personal life and work.

Taking breaks from work, even five or ten minutes every hour, is not a waste of time, it helps to prevent stress from escalating.

Get up for a drink or coffee, talk to someone or just stretch your body.

Breathing with awareness, inhaling and exhaling calmly and deeply, increases the supply of oxygen to the entire body.

Breathing helps to clear the mind, renew energy and even prevent muscle cramps and pain.

Sleep well to keep your body working as it should because it is during sleep that the body’s cells (including those of the brain) are renewed.

A study published in the scientific journal Nature revealed that the neurons of those who have insomnia or very interrupted sleep “turn off” during the day, even when the person is awake.

That’s why we have memory lapses, difficulty focusing and a greater risk of making mistakes when we sleep less than the body needs.

Listen to your body and program yourself to relax body and mind!