When we think about traveling, the high costs come to mind, which is why many people think that traveling is always very expensive.

But this is a big mistake, because it is possible to travel for free and discover amazing places.

 Live unforgettable experiences without spending practically anything.

When we’re on a tight budget, living traveling on a budget teaches a lot.

Did you know that it is possible to travel by plane, bus or car without spending anything?

Traveling by plane on the FAB

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The Brazilian air force (FAB) is property of the federal government, paid with our taxes, it is a public good.

Because of this, as a Brazilian citizen residing in national territory, you can use this feature.

Of course, air force planes are used to transport soldiers, mail orders, teams on specific missions (training, rescues and patrols) but when there are vacancies, these are offered to the population.

To do so, it is necessary to register, look for the national air mail, bring the necessary documents, proof of residence and keep in mind the destination of the trip.

Once registered, a confirmation email will be sent. Pay attention to your email and spam box, because if there is a vacancy on a flight to your destination, you will receive the information with the day and time.

A very important thing, the registration is valid for 10 days, have flexible days and times and be ready to travel.

The registration is only valid for 1 flight, if you are interested in returning, you will need to make a new registration.

Travel Redeeming Miles

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Have you ever traveled using miles or know someone who has. There are several ways to earn miles, and travel for free, even if you’ve never traveled by plane.

Some companies offer programs to retain customers, making them continue to buy their products.

For this, they present customers with points according to the amount spent and allow these points to be exchanged for miles, trips, discounts, or other products.

How to accumulate points, basically using your credit card, buying at partner stores of your loyalty program.

So let’s accumulate points and exchange for plane tickets.


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You’ve heard about volunteering, it’s a good opportunity to exchange your work for accommodation.

Worldpackers is a company that shortens the path between the traveler and those who need people to work.

You will receive lodging and often help with food in exchange for your services.

Jobs range from looking after animals on a farm to working in hotels welcoming guests.


It is a type of service offered to those who want to travel and do not like to leave the house unoccupied, or who have a pet that needs care.

There are companies that connect travelers to these people, to take care of their home in exchange for a stay.


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Couchsurfing features people who are willing to give you the sofa at home for you to sit on while you travel.

Hosts are willing to receive strangers for an exchange of experiences and do not charge for it.

It’s a great opportunity to make new friends and the most common way for anyone who wants to know how to travel for free.

Make sure to check your profile and make yourself available in case the new friend wants to know your country of origin.

Get Discounts for Being Young

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The ID program is a benefit that allows young people between the ages of 15 and 29 to travel free of charge.

Of course, to acquire the benefit, it is necessary to obtain income of up to 2 minimum wages per month.

With benefit, it is possible to travel by train and bus through several Brazilian states and the reservation in responsible companies must be made at least three hours in advance.

It is necessary to register through an application and on the day of boarding show it on the cell phone, along with an identification document.

For this modality, 2 free spaces are reserved in each vehicle, whether bus or train.   

And another 2 with 50% discount, if there is no more free space. In addition to travel, it is possible to pay half price for sporting and leisure events.

If you do not fit into any of the above options, it is possible to guarantee good travel prices, even if you have to pay.

The Skyscanner app is an app to find cheap flights and compare prices.

There are bus companies like Buser and WeMobi that offer tickets at lower prices than those offered by conventional companies.

So what did you think of this article, let’s embark on this?