New York is one of the most spectacular cities in the world and the most visited.

In the city there are so many different things to visit and do, it is natural for a first-timer to be in doubt as to where to start his schedule.

New York is a huge city, full of entertainment options and new restaurants.

There is always something new, some event, a new show, a fair, and each season of the year has a special charm which makes the trip even more exciting.

Things to Do in New York

A trip to New York calls for a walk in Central Park, regardless of the time of year.

The park is in the heart of the city, and is the most famous in the world, with fresh air and an encounter with nature in the midst of one of the busiest cities in the world.

Inside the park there are places to rent boats and take a ride on the lake, the Conservatory Garden, which is amazing in spring, the Strawberry Fields, where John Lennon was honored, and the Sheep Meadows area, ideal for sunbathing and having a picnic. . 

Visit the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island

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One of the greatest symbols of the United States, the Statue of Liberty is a representation of freedom and hope for the thousands of immigrants who arrived in America.

The statue is 93 meters high and is located in New York Bay, on Liberty Island, and can be seen on a boat trip.

In addition to the statue, the boat takes you to Ellis Island, an island neighboring Liberty Island, which houses a museum dedicated to the history of immigration in the country and the process of arrival of immigrants.

For those who like history, the visit is interesting and offers a beautiful view of Manhattan.

Times Square

It is one of the best known spots in New York, where Broadway meets Seventh Avenue.

There are so many illuminated signs, so many people, so much information and witnessing it all live is even more impressive.

Crossing the Brooklyn Bridge

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The Brooklyn Bridge was once one of the largest suspension bridges in the world, opened in 1883, it connects Manhattan to Brooklyn and straddles the East River.

It is a place that is always full of people, it is about 1,800 meters long, which can be done either on foot, by bicycle, or by car.

The place is beautiful to see the sunrise and sunset.

Stroll in Rockefeller Center

Business center that brings together shops, restaurants, buildings and leisure areas.

In it is the Top of the Rock, the observatory with a spectacular view of Manhattan.

In it there is a very busy skating rink during the winter. It’s a good place to walk around, shop and take pictures.

Discover the Oculus Station

Opened in 2016, the Oculus subway station was one of the most expensive stations in the United States.

A hall of colossal size, the station is connected to the Westfield World Trade Center shopping center and is located where the former twin tower buildings once stood.

Visit the American Museum of Natural History

The natural history museum is so famous, where scenes from the movie Night at the Museum were filmed.

In it you will find skeletons of giant dinosaurs and a collection of precious stones.

And attached to the museum is the Rose Center for Earth and Space, which has exhibits related to earth and space, such as the Hayden Planetarium.

When to go to New York?

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New York can be visited all year round as each season offers a different experience in the city.

Summer, June, July and August, is the high season and has hot temperatures.

While winter, December, January and February, has lower temperatures and it often snows.

In spring, the city is very flowery and with mild temperatures, as well as autumn, but with the difference of being with trees in shades of red, orange and yellow.

The city offers events and festivities all year round, choose when you can go and the experience will be unforgettable!

Make the most of the city, take comfortable shoes for walking and appropriate clothes for the season of the year in which your trip will take place.

Spare no effort in getting to know everything the city has to offer!