Brazil is a country rich in history, with a diverse cultural heritage that dates back centuries. From colonial times to the present day, the country is home to an impressive array of historic destinations that tell Brazil’s fascinating story. In this guide, we will explore the 7 best historical tourism destinations in Brazil, where you can delve into the past and discover the secrets of our cultural heritage.

1. Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais

World Heritage

Ouro Preto is a historic city located in Minas Gerais, known for its colonial architecture and rich cultural heritage. Explore the baroque churches, such as the Church of São Francisco de Assis and the Basílica do Pilar, and visit the museums that tell the history of gold mining in the region.

2. Salvador, Bahia

Historic center

Salvador is one of the oldest cities in Brazil and has a historic center full of colonial buildings and baroque churches. Visit Pelourinho, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, and discover the Mercado Modelo, where you can find local crafts and Bahian delicacies.

3. Paraty, Rio de Janeiro

Colonial Architecture

Paraty is a charming colonial city located on the south coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro. Its stone streets and preserved mansions transport visitors back to the 18th century. Explore the historic center, take a schooner trip to the region’s islands and learn about the history of the gold cycle in Brazil.

4. São Luís, Maranhão

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Portuguese Architecture

São Luís is a historic city with unique architecture, the result of Portuguese and French influence. Explore the historic center, full of colonial mansions and Portuguese tiles, and visit the famous 19th century townhouses.

5. Recife, Pernambuco

Old Recife

Recife is a city full of history, with a historic center that dates back to colonial times. Get to know Recife Antigo, with its centuries-old churches, historic bridges and museums that tell the history of the region.

6. Diamantina, Minas Gerais

Diamond Cycle

Diamantina is a historic city located in the interior of Minas Gerais, known for its important role in the diamond cycle in Brazil. Visit the old diamond mines, colonial mansions and museums that preserve the history of the region.

7. São João del Rei, Minas Gerais

Mineiro Baroque

São João del Rei is a charming city, with an architectural complex that reflects the splendor of Minas Gerais baroque. Visit historic churches such as the Church of São Francisco de Assis and the Catedral Basílica Nossa Senhora do Pilar, and take a stroll from Maria Fumaça to nearby Tiradentes.

These are the 7 best historical tourism destinations in Brazil, where you can explore the past and be enchanted by the cultural richness of our country. Get ready for a trip back in time and discover the secrets of Brazilian history around every corner of these fascinating cities.