Brazil is a country full of history and culture, with an incredible variety of destinations that offer a true journey through time. If you’re a history enthusiast, these six historical tourism destinations are must-see stops on your journey through Brazil. Get ready to relive the past and discover the secrets that shaped the country we know today.

1. Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais

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A Colonial Heritage

Ouro Preto is a historic jewel of Brazil, known for its cobblestone streets, baroque churches and gold mines. Founded at the height of the gold cycle in the 18th century, the city is a true open-air museum. Highlights include the Church of São Francisco de Assis, the Church of Nossa Senhora do Carmo and the Casa dos Contos.

2. Salvador, Bahia

The Capital of Afro-Brazilian Culture

Salvador is a city rich in history and culture, with deep roots in Portuguese colonization and Afro-Brazilian culture. Founded in 1549, it was the first capital of colonial Brazil. Highlights include Pelourinho, Mercado Modelo, Forte de São Marcelo and Elevador Lacerda.

3. Paraty, Rio de Janeiro

A Journey to Colonial Brazil

Paraty is a charming city, with its stone streets and well-preserved colonial architecture. Founded in the 17th century, it was an important center for trading gold and precious stones. Highlights include the Historic Center, Forte Defensor Perpétuo and the churches of Nossa Senhora dos Remédios and Santa Rita.

4. Olinda, Pernambuco

Beauty and Tradition

Olinda is a picturesque city, with its hills, colorful mansions and baroque churches. Founded in 1535, it was one of the first colonial cities in Brazil. Highlights include the Olinda Cathedral, the São Bento Monastery, Alto da Sé and the famous Olinda Carnival.

5. São Luís, Maranhão

The Charm of Colonial Maranhão

São Luís is a unique city, known for its Portuguese colonial architecture and French, Dutch and African influences. Founded in 1612, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Highlights include the Historic Center, with its Portuguese tiles, and Bumba Meu Boi, a traditional folk festival.

6. Diamantina, Minas Gerais

Treasures of the Diamond Age

Diamantina is a charming city that dates back to the time of the diamond cycle in Brazil. Founded in the 18th century, it was an important mining center. Highlights include the Casa da Glória, the Church of São Francisco de Assis and the Diamond Museum.

These historical tourism destinations offer a unique opportunity to delve into Brazil’s rich history and culture. By visiting them, you will not only relive the past but also better understand the roots of the country and its people.